Blog v Wiki

Blog v Wiki

Blogs and Wikis are a new and innovative way for people to express themselves or contribute to a larger project by employing new technology. This new interaction offers many benefits, such as collaboration from the comfort of your home, anonymity when sought, etc.

Blogs and Wikis are similar in the sense that they are both ways of people to reach out to other individuals with information and comments. However, Blogs and Wikis cannot be more different. According to UNAW blogs are the work of a single author with ‘One-to-many communication (posts), many-to-one responses (comments), while Wiki can have multiple authors ‘Many-to-many communication’.

Blogs are presenting the personal viewpoint of an author with optional comments from readers agreeing or challenging the author’s opinion. The author can have many posts in reversed chronological order with following reflection from followers.

Wiki on the other hand has many authors and it can be viewed and edited by many authors with the most recent information displayed first, with the possibility for pages to be reverted. According to Language Resource Center at Columbia University in wiki the individual ownership is not as important as the outcome of the joint contribution.

A Wiki application I could use is to get in contact with other parents from my daughter school in order to share information regarding homework, trips, sleepovers, etc.


“Blogs versus Wikis: Which Should I Use?” Language Resource Center, 3 Oct. 2016,

“Blog, Wiki or Forum - Which Should You Use?” UNSW Teaching Staff Gateway,

Online dating: New Generation Love!

I decided to do my project on online dating because it is becoming so popular that is threatening to be the new normal. But as many new things, there are mixed feelings about this new way to find love. More and more people are becoming attracted to the ease and simplicity of talking to another person, behind the comfort of your screen. A push of the button will eliminate the anxiety and anticipation of initiating a conversation.  However, isn’t that what makes love human? I intend to explore both online dating as new human interaction and as the absence of human touch. I would also like to explore how online dating evolved over the years and what directions it may be taking in the future. The base for my project would be some of the most popular dating websites, such as, Eharmony and others. I plan to compare the criteria for matching and the success rate. I wish also to include the testimonials of consumers of those websites regarding their experiences.