

With new media artist all over the world are breaking the boundaries or physical attendance and are creating access to countless number of records and people around the world in order to create something beautiful and unique. A song is no longer confined in a specific genre, but a collaboration of two or more styles of music.

A great example of such a collaboration was featured in The New Yorker magazine. “Frontin’ on Debra” is a song by Beck, Jay-Z and Pharrell Williams that incorporated soul music and computer music to create a mashup that is very appealing to the music audience. Reaching even further for every new mashup a new software is created that is making possible for musicians to create such a mashup in the comfort of their own home. And the path from artists to audiences is getting shorter and shorter with the advance of technology. Artists post their creations on platforms such as YouTube and their song is instantly reaching millions of people all over the world.

New media also makes attractive for artists to take apart old songs and remix them into new versions. It is interesting how an old song that would have never been paid attention too is suddenly very attractive and current and all because of the creativity of the artist and the use of new media.




Frere-Jones, Sasha. “1 1 1 = 1.” The New Yorker, The New Yorker, 19 June 2017,

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