Social networking sites

Social networking sites: My favorite 4 Social networks

In today’s world of the abundance of different networks for different users and different purposes, four of them that I am using are Facebook, LinkedIn, Viber and Twitter.
I have been using Facebook for the longest and it is to keep in touch with friends from far as well as one I meet every day. Sharing photos and videos is easy and it has the feature to custom the audience you want to see your shares. For me, Facebook is also a way to keep in touch with people, without being in touch. Many of my contacts are old friends or colleagues that I don’t talk every day, not even every few months, however, I enjoy following their life, seeing their pictures and reading their posts.
LinkedIn is the network for my professional contacts. Every time I visit the network I am inspired to reach even further in my career. It is an easy way to contact people in my profession as well as keep in touch with ones that I used to work. It is also a great platform to seek advancement in my career by meeting recruiters and potential employers. As a person who has his family all over the world I use
Viber is the only one I am using on a day to day basis. It is a great way to make calls, send photos or videos. I also use the Viber app to make international calls to my parents or friends in my home country. While Facebook is intended for a large number of people, Viber is mostly used as more focused, person to person, communication. In addition, it offers end-to-end encryption – something that adds value to me personally.
Twitter is a network that I started using because of this class. I do like the simplicity of sending a short message to a large audience of followers, and the ease of filtering by using #hashtag. I am determined to explore it more extensively as I keep learning about new media.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! I'd never heard of Viber before encountering this post.

I found it interesting that you hadn't used Twitter before this class, especially with the POTUS tweeting so extensively. I think it's a very divisive issue in today's world - that the leader of a major country addresses his nation and the world in 280 characters of less. I personally think it's a step in the wrong direction.

I, too, use LinkedIn... And strangely enough, Twitter was my first social network. I didn't have a Facebook for many years, and resisted getting an Instagram until I was 19.

In any case, an interesting post. Thanks for sharing!

- Caitlin Cacciatore